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When I was in college, I wrote an essay for six jars of peanut butter. 

I’d like to believe I can spin The Great Peanut Butter Exchange as my first go at entrepreneurship and copywriting. But in reality, I liked a boy. And I do love peanut butter.

Before you do the math, let me save you the time: I wrote a college-level essay for approximately $35. In my defense, I was just a hungry 19-year-old with a crush who didn't know writing was a profitable skill. 

Almost a decade later, I'm still writing, and I'm definitely still consuming an ungodly amount of peanut butter. Instead of working with smelly college boys, I get to partner with incredible business owners like you. 

Meet your peanut butter-obsessed website copywriter.

Now, this is a place of business. 

The linkedin-worthy content you came for 

I’m a full-time copywriter who specializes in creating relatable, human copy for creative business owners ready to make a massive impact. 

It's no secret that people buy from people they like, and yet there are too many websites floating around the digital space without any sprinkle of personality. It's important that website copy walks the line of being personable and professional. And yes, you can absolutely do both. 

I’ve worked with clients in non-profits, higher education, personal styling, retail, fitness studios, digital marketing boutiques, software, and more. I know how to articulate an authentic brand voice that speaks directly to the target audience.

TLDR; I’m a big fan of writing copy that converts and, according to past clients, I'm pretty damn good at it, too. 


From one small business owner to another, I know how hard you've worked to get to where you are. It's my job to take you even further with personality-packed website copy.

There are so many incredible copywriters you could hire. So why on earth should you choose me? 

Brand authenticity is my number one goal when working with clients. Your copy will feel and sound like you while being optimized for conversion. 

my commitment to you

Strategy-backed storytelling. Head-turning copy isn't enough to attract consumers. As part of our work, we'll infuse strategy and SEO to give you the best chance to rank, so that people can actually read that head-turning copy. 

my commitment to you

An avid fan girl. If there's one thing I'm good at it's being my client's ultimate cheerleader. Even after our partnership has ended, I'll cheer you on and will probably comment on everything you post and tell my mom about you<3 

my commitment to you

Oh, you're so in. A welcome email headed toward you!

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