My target audience is not a plumber. But let me begin this story by saying I know how important plumbers are. We’ve all called one frantically and kissed their feet whenever they solved whatever problem our cute girlie brains couldn’t figure out.
When I think of The Coveted Copy Studio’s inception (birth story?), I often think of the plumbing industry. If you’re staring at your computer screen thinking, “Hey, Gabby, what the FUCK are you talking about?” A) welcome to my world and B) Don’t worry—I’m going to drive us home.
Back when I was a wee baby copywriter, I white-labeled for a marketing agency that worked with a local plumbing company. This has nothing to do with the story, but I feel compelled to tell you that this business was very mean, which I would’ve never expected for a plumbing company!
I was tasked with writing their weekly newsletter. I was still teaching during this time and needed the extra money, so I took any assignment I could get my hands on. Before the mean plumbers fired the agency I was working with (not because of my newsletters!), I remember thinking that, one day, it’d be cool to have a bigger say in who I worked with. Mean clients? No thank you. Mean clients in an industry that didn’t excite me? Double no thank you.
When I started to plan for The Coveted Copy Studio, I knew I needed to get super clear on the audience I wanted to serve before any copy hit my website.
Knowing my target audience dramatically informed my website copy. It was important to me—as it should be to you, my sweet small business owner—that my website copy spoke directly to my dream client.
If you take a casual scroll through my website, you’ll find that I name-drop my target audience a few times: creative small business owners. Okay, fab! My work is done. Byeeee!
I wish.

Calling out your target audience directly isn’t enough to land a client. Your tone of voice, message delivery, and ability to empathize with and provide solutions to their needs all play a major role in whether or not you’re connecting with your target audience. This is what shows your target audience that you get them. That you’re for them.
By writing your copy specifically to your target audience you will eliminate the clients that you don’t wish to serve. You’ve probably noticed that I have a very feminine website, which will attract certain entrepreneurs and turn others off. A pilates instructor may want to work with me but a cut-and-dry financial planner may not. I want you to get super comfortable that you’re not for everybody. You are not supposed to be, and if you are, that likely means you are for nobody.
So how do you write website copy for your target audience? It’s going to vary based on who you’re serving. But the bones stay the same: Write with them in mind, know their behavior patterns, and understand how the value you bring will make their lives easier.
Here’s what I did, as a professional website copywriter, to appeal to my target audience.
I Wrote With Personality that Would Resonate with My Target Audience
The first line on my homepage is “personality-packed website copywriting for creative business owners.” Imagine if I, the person who wants to work with people ready to infuse some spice into their copy, wrote an entire website that was void of personality.
Those mean plumbers might come back knocking, but my target audience wouldn’t!
I’ve seen so many incredible business owners who are TERRIFIED to let their authentic selves shine through on their websites. I think this is such a missed opportunity.
Because people buy from people they like. This isn’t new, really, it’s a tale as old as time!
Let’s take my field for example. There are SO MANY website copywriters you could hire. Seriously…so many. And I’ve seen their websites—they’re fantastic. We all have similar pricing and offer similar services. The same probably applies to you and your business. So how do we set ourselves apart when pricing, timeline, services, etc. are all similar?
We let our personality shine.
That’s unique to us—nobody is a carbon copy of you. Let your target audience in. Break the fourth wall. Show them what a damn delight you are—as a professional partner and person.
Here are a few examples of lines I wrote throughout my homepage to show my personality.
“Your website copy should be your business’s wingwoman.”
“We’ve all had the honor of wingwoman-ing for a friend or two. Your best gal spots someone at the bar, is too nervous to make a move, and asks you to do the honors. Challenge accepted.”
“I panic-named my cat, Chicken, but I promise words are my thing.”
Don’t mistake personality for getting too personal or oversharing with your audience. Tell a story, poke fun at yourself, drop an F-bomb. Do what feels authentic to who you are and the type of people you want to resonate with. And speaking of, your About page is an excellent opportunity to connect with and speak directly to your target audience.
I Created a Strong About Page
I don’t know if this is a hot take but leading with your professional credentials is boring.
They’re important and of course need to be mentioned, but do they need to be the first thing your potential client sees when they click your About page? Probably not.
You have seven seconds to capture their attention. Don’t waste it on something they can find on LinkedIn.
Okay, so what does this look like?
This can be a story that connects to your work.
Hi, I’m Gabby! When I was in college, I wrote an essay for six jars of peanut butter.
This can be a statement that captures your reader’s attention.
I was 7 years old when I realized I’d be a fashion designer.
This can be an opportunity to let your target audience know that you see them.
Finding the right therapist doesn’t have to feel overwhelming.
After you’ve started with the information that makes you human, you can move into LinkedIn-worthy content. Have fun with this section, and if you need any help revising existing copy, check out my website copy audit service.
I Acknowledged my Target Audience’s Problem—and Offered Solutions
This is one of the easiest ways to speak directly to your target audience, IMO. They’re on your website because your product or service interests them. How does what you do make your target audience’s life easier?
Take a look at the description of my sales page service.
You’re about to launch something big. Like, really big. The only thing missing is the conversion-focused copy that looks and sounds like you. With the right words, we’ll make sure your launch is *chef’s kiss.*
A few callouts:
I start with “you.” Right away I speak directly to my consumer.
I use “we’ll.” It’s personable, friendly, and ensures the reader knows I’m on their side.
I infuse personality.
I recommend doing all of these things on your website, too. Know what your target audience needs and write to them specifically and intentionally.
Whether you’re revamping your website copy or doing a quick lil spring cleaning, you must speak directly to your target audience. By adding notes of your personality, making your About page more personable, and offering the right solutions your target audience needs, you’ll be one step closer to an inbox full of dream clients.
PS–If you need help discovering your target audience, download my free toolkit!
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