If you’re writing your own website copy, consider this your coveted list of common copywriting mistakes to avoid. In an upcoming post, I’ll share 6 copywriting non-negotiables to make your website stand out, but you know what those smart old philosophers say, right?
Better to know what not to do first.
Okay, so I don’t know if anyone has ever said that.
I’m sure someone has.
If you’re anything like me, I personally like to know exactly what to avoid when starting a new project. So if you’re about to DIY the hell out of your website copy, consider me your wise old sage ready to virtually hold your hand and make sure you don’t make any of the mistakes me or my clients have made.
Funnily enough, this blog isn’t about wordsmithing or crafting creative and compelling copy. I want you to feel so proud of your copy you’re forcing all of your friends to read it out loud while you smile and pat yourself on the back.
Trust me, we’ll get there.
But believe it or not, there are some other technical, less sexy copywriting mistakes worth covering too.
Misplaced keywords, punctuation errors, voice and tone inconsistencies — you name it, I’ve seen it. And my hope is that because I’ve done it or seen it, you’ll avoid it entirely.
Here are 6 common copywriting mistakes people make on their websites and, more importantly, how to avoid them.

#1: Ignoring SEO Best Practices, or Ignoring SEO Altogether
A former boss once told me, “You’re H1 is prime real estate for SEO.” I have literally never forgotten that and have probably told every single client the same thing. But SEO goes far beyond your Headers.
Make sure you incorporate keywords, meta descriptions, and other search-friendly content throughout your website. When we identify keywords, we identify what our ideal clients will be searching for. And we include those keywords on our site (naturally and relevantly), we make it more likely for all of those ideal clients to land on your website.
One of my clients is the owner of a Pilates studio. Because her website copy was optimized, she landed on the homepage of Google within two weeks and has gotten consistent leads from her website. For a service provider, that is invaluable.
#2: Writing Copy That’s Just Cute, Not Clear
Writing for the web can be tricky.
I remember taking a technical writing class in college and wanted to claw my eyes out. I had never thought writing could be so boring.
We studied instruction manuals and labels and grants and analyzed them for clarity and I thought, “THIS is where the money is in writing?!”
I swore I would never look for a job in technical writing, but it did teach me something really important: Clear writing is kind writing.
No one was looking at an instruction manual to make them laugh. Or a grant to evoke humor. Sometimes, writing directly to the point was what made copy successful.
Now, please do not get me wrong. I want your website copy to have that fun human touch. I want you to write certain pages with your personality on blast. But I don’t want you to confuse your audience, which often happens when we focus more so on being cute than being clear.
Let’s take cat food for example.
If a website for cat food had an H1 that read, “Your Cat Will Thank You,” you’d say, “Thank me? For what? Where the hell am I?”
But if it said, “Trusted Cat Food That Your Cat Will Love,” You’d say, “A cat food website? But I don’t even own a cat?”
I’m kidding. But you get my point.
The first one is cute. The second one is clear. And in the second one, I know exactly what the service or product is.
And if you’re going to triple-check that one part of your website is so crystal clear it hurts, make it your CTAs. Which leads us to number 3.
#3: Writing Weak or Missing CTAs
Think of your website as a map, not a maze. You always want to tell your reader what to do or where to go. Get super clear in your CTAs, pushing yourself to go beyond the generic “Click here.”
Here are some examples of strong CTAs:
- View Photography Services
- Book Your Appointment
- Join the Masterclass Waitlist
- Get Your Custom Quote
- Meet Your Designer
- Order Your Journal
If you’re missing CTAs, you’re losing business. Period. So make sure that you have them, they’re clear, and go beyond the super cliche examples.
#4: Neglecting Social Proof
Before I launched The Coveted Copy Studio out into the world, I did a lot of shit for free. I wrote landing pages, homepages, and sales pages, and conducted strategy sessions all in exchange for testimonials.
I did all of this with so much excitement and enthusiasm because even though I wasn’t getting paid, I was getting social proof that would lead to paying clients down the road.
Here’s the thing.
Standout website copy is fantastic.
But standout website copy PLUS social proof is what converts to more sales.
Of course you believe in your product or service. For a potential buyer, they want to know what other people’s experience working with you was like.
Social proof isn’t just limited to testimonials. Case studies, certification/education, and product reviews all are examples that can make an impact on your sales. According to Shopify, 91 percent of consumers read at least one review before making a purchase.
You don’t have to have dozens of examples, especially in the beginning, but a few to build trust with your audience will go a long way.
#5: Failing to Address Pain Points
I was on a call with a prospective client earlier today, and she shared that she didn’t want any of her copy to sound negative.
Because of that, I learned that she was hesitant to call out her ideal clients’ frustrations,
“Totally fair, “ I told her. “But we want your clients to see why they need your product.”
Speaking directly to your client’s pain points can feel negative. But that’s because you’re offering them a solution to that feeling. When we don’t speak to frustrations, we don’t articulate why our product or service is important.
In sales page copy, you’ll often see an approach that details who the ideal customer is for [INSERT COURSE, PRODUCT, LAUNCH] how they’re probably feeling without [INSERT COURSE, PRODUCT, LAUNCH], and how they’ll feel with [INSERT COURSE, PRODUCT, LAUNCH].
When you start to write the copy for whatever you’re selling, think about how it benefits your buyer. For example, my copy audit offers peace of mind. My sales page copy ensures that your hard work doesn’t go to waste. My full website copy overhaul offers a website that feels like them and leads to higher conversion rates.
Identify the benefit of what you’re selling, then speak directly to the person who will find it advantageous.
#6: Ignoring Mobile Optimization
Let’s throw it back to March of 2024.
I was ALMOST finished with my first website for TCCS and was sooooo excited to hit publish.
But then, I noticed a silly little button at the bottom of my silly little page on silly little Showit.
It was a phone icon. And when I clicked it, I could’ve screamed.
Honestly, I probably did scream.
In that moment, I realized I had completely neglected the mobile optimization portion of my website.
My website was not, in fact, ready to hit publish. I took the deepest breath a human could inhale before releasing it back into the world, put my head down, and optimized the shit out of mobile.
Let this be your reminder to check your mobile optimization. There’s a 98% chance that you will have to edit copy and adjust your design to make it fit within the smaller dimensions.
Don’t be me in the eleventh hour. Optimize for mobile as you go. You’ll thank me later, I promise.
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